Friday, August 27, 2010

Considering the vastness of our country and its large population, are we using the potential of satellite television in education adequately?
Television is the most effective medium to disseminate information by incorporating both audio and visual technology. In educational field, satellite television has been an attractive force for enthusiastic learning in India. India started with Doordarshan, travelled through different educational television projects to step in, thereby nurturing its huge audience- primary, secondary and University level students. Besides, it could reach the remotest possible areas.
Unlike developed countries that are taking full advantage of satellite television in education, India should thrust more to take it to new heights. Already available stuff is not adequate enough to meet the growing needs. It should be focused at and new innovations brought in. It should be expanded and cuts should be made in subscriber fee so that a large proportion of population can avail it. Experts from Corporate and educational sectors should be invited in this endeavor so as to mingle their ideas to bring about a revolution in satellite television in education.